“Boredom longing for tea” (Guangzhou / 2007)
A poem by Kwoa.

Oh endless yearning, crushed over for so long…
(squeaked sandalwood softly)Lament all you want, that’s where you belong!
(rapped enamel slyly)Big mouth but no chest, ushering words that strong.
(confronted wicker quite harshly)Stay away from this, venting ain’t that wrong.
(soothed tea leaves casually)I can’t agree more; I’m burning hot.
(shushed the fiery gaz)Damn flame must be right, time to dance along.
(fiffed copper nervously)Instant frozen still.
Kwoa 2007
“That’d make a great song”!
(observed bored apathy)
2007/4/1 19.37pm
Liwan Lake Park (Liwan district wikipedia)
Guangzhou / China
Update: At the very kind request of the group captain of the Poet’s Place, I’m very honored to name this form of poetry a “kwoa?”.
Poetry form of the “kwoa?”
The base of a “kwoa?” is composed of 7 two-lines stanzas with rhyme scheme ‘ab’ and a syllable pattern of 5 / 5a // (6b). The two exceptions from this rule completes a “kwoa?”:
1. For break of routine at two-third, the 5th stanza departs from this rule, with no rhyme and a 5 / 4 // (5) syllable pattern.
2. For emphasis, the last stanza follows the basic form but is displayed as three-lines instead of two 5 // 5a // (6b).
Meaning of the “kwoa?”
“kwoa” is a four letter word that is pronounced the same a “quoi”, which is the french for “what”. Since this form of poetry is composed of 4 normal stanzas followed by break of routine, naming it k/w/o/a/? somehow made sense. Most importantly, the spirit of the “kwoa?” take its root from Kwoa, expressing cute naive perspectives.
Do not hesitate to create and share your own “kwoa?”.
Kwoa’s other Phoems to enjoy:
- “Promise (from Machiavelli to Chirac)” a poem & brevity by Kwoa – Beijing golden lions / 2007
- “The unbearable lightness of embezzlement” a Onda Mel poem by Kwoa – Undisclosed beach / 2005
- “Introverts’ nails” a poem by Kwoa – Tatra mountain / 2010
- “HR Tele-novella” a poem by Kwoa – Meeting room above clouds / 2018
- “Preying forms” a geometric poem – Huanglong / 2005
- “Groceries” Canzonet poem – Marennes / 2005
- “The Beauty of Time” – Songpan / 2005
- “Night’s Sensual Routine” – Love Hotel in Shenzhen / 2012
- “Dry flow” – Tengger desert’s night market / 2020
- “Oily Soup” persona poem – Jiuzhai / 2005