Kwoa flying over Tibetan's grassland in Tagong

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This is the only section within Kwoa’s portal and greater web presence breaking the fourth wall. Past this short presentation of the project, close this section, climb aboard Kwoa’s fantasy and enjoy.

So what is Kwoa?

Kwoa is an immersive creative project from Max Kwoa, as part of Effy Creations’ Ideas-In-Progress. Centered around his stuffed dog, Kwoa merges his own creations (poetry & photography) along with external pieces of greatness gathered from the various places Max has visited around the world (leaflets, recipes, games…). Altogether, Max Kwoa is building a coherent, comprehensive and immersive world with multiple entry points to create a new and albeit naive perspective on the world surrounding us. An inclusive world with open minds…


Learn from pearls of wisdom gathered on leaflets collected around the world.

Random touristic suggestion:

“You can choose to use pure sense of hearing to feel the live recording from great estuary regions or to experience the unique feeling of beautiful estuary from the viewpoint of a freely flying bird in the sky or a shuttling fish in the ocean.”

— Estuary Science and Technology Museum Of Yangzi River Shanghai

Beauty has a vibe. Poetry & photography inspired by the world.

Visit TravellersPoint’s map and follow Kwoa’s near 97k kilometres around Eurasia, and counting.

Creative occupation to keep little ones busy while discovering the world.

A song?
Jasmine & Kwoa: Un Jour A La Plage
Card games?
Treasure hunt?…

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