Effy the living efficiency comics 34 - What Would Effy Do The tattoo (Efficiency, inspiration and role model)

“What Would Effy Do” tattoo (Efficiency, inspiration and role model)

Even though I haven’t seen a WWED tattoo yet, I’ve seen many people using substitute. Very expensive watch being one of them. A simple reminder that “time is money”, one of financial efficiency core guiding principle. An inspiration, to become a role model for efficiency.


Efficiency & Inspiration

In the article for “Firing Effy”, we covered how the race to efficiency is often elevated as a dogma. A principle which is both true and doesn’t need to be debated. Efficiency is inspiring, and very concrete too. It got it all: promise for a better tomorrow (concept of improvement), no resource barrier to entry (everyone, everywhere can claim to be able to become more efficient), a universal purpose (a greater good). As such, it inspires a lot of followers and prophets, more or less zealous, that will use or abuse this dogma in order to reach their goal and prevent any form of contradiction.


Role model

Under such paradigm, idols, icons and role models provide a guiding light… Role model, as per the Merriam-Webster dictionary is: “a person whose behavior in a particular role is imitated by others”. Therefore, it is often use in management and leadership to provide an example, a figure to follow. Stakhanov, Bill Gates, or Lei Feng, all were figures cemented into role models. Models tweaked and heavily promoted, to set clear-cut values and behaviors to imitate, without much questioning. As for efficiency, who better than Effy herself for the role!



And in the pure tradition of overzealous pious persons, today’s guest went in to get his WWED tattoo, to remind him the way…


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